Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dreams, Dates & Dead Mice

I have this passion in me that has been burning for quite some time.

I want so deeply for people to know that God is very real, He's very much a part of our every day lives, and He wants to do immeasurably more than all you can imagine or ask!

Here's just a glimpse of my last 24 hours and how I know He is real and His Holy Spirit is so so powerful!

Let me give you just a bit of back ground...Back in February, my dream of speaking became very real as I received an email from the FBWomen's Ministry leader, Trish Lappin, asking me to speak at their conference on September 16th.  This email came on a day when there was some very real hurt going on in my heart.  As I read it, I was in awe because I have been dreaming about this and praying for God's perfect timing for several years. That morning, I told one of the boys, as he was going through a storm, to stay focused.  God has big plans, and we just have to keep our eyes on Him.

I believe our attitude and mindset changes EVERYTHING!!

Fast forward a few weeks when I was asked to give a title to the conference so they could start working on marketing materials and promotion.  After a few days, I realized a theme that just kept crossing my path and my mind, so I emailed it to Trish.  "Moving Mountains" is the theme and Matthew 7:7 is the foundation of the whole day.  "ASK and it will be GIVEN to you, SEEK and you WILL FIND, KNOCK and the door WILL BE OPENED to you."

Then I see this pop across my facebook.... y'all... dreams REALLY do come true!!  There is a real date on a calendar that says "Trisha Graham" as the speaker!!!  None of this is about me... it's all about Him and His power which is what I want to explain today.

Just Sunday morning (two days ago) in our Young Married Growth Group, I made the statement about Jesus being the best teacher ever.   With several teachers in our class, we all agreed than when you teach the kiddos something, you test them to see if they 'got it.'

So now between that statement and titling the conference "Moving Mountains", God is giving me and Jamie an opportunity to pass a test.  Yesterday, we had C&D out because the boys air conditioner wasn't working.  Upon checking out the system, Keith found that mice had had a feast in our unit resulting in us having to replace the entire outside unit which is around $5,000.  Really, mice?!?!  What in the world?  Then, as Jamie left for work this morning, he notices a hose laying on the ground under his truck as well as wires hanging.   We are pretty sure the dogs were after something up in his truck.   As he begins to drive it, messages come across like 'four wheel drive disabled' and "anti-lock brake system disabled."  

We don't know yet what the dollar amount on this one is, but here is what I do know.... God knows! This alone is HUGE!!  A few years ago, I would have sat here crying about how we were going to pay for everything and why did it have to happen to me.   But, as the Holy Spirit prompts, I remember to "count it all joy when I face trials because the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. "  James 1:2-4

After Jamie called, I sat down to read and journal....

Y'all this was the top of my page in my journal as I turned to an empty page to write...
Notice the verse!!!!!  Matthew 7:7 (see above... yes!  It's the women's conference foundation!)

No doubt, we are facing these mountains because it's only going to be through Him that they move which will result in us being able to have yet another picture of How God is so so real, He's very much a part of our daily lives, and He wants to do immeasurably more than we can imagine or ask according to His power at work in us to Him be ALL GLORY!!!


I can't wait to write again and explain how God moved these mountains!!


  1. So looking forward to hearing about God's provision in your lives. It is all about Him!
