Monday, September 28, 2015

The biggest parenting mistake I'm glad I didn't make!

Oh boy, have I made plenty of mistakes being a parent.   Who hasn't?  But each time the Lord shows me what I did wrong, I've tried to talk it through with the boys.  Our children have to understand we aren't perfect, but when we do wrong, don't blame it on anyone else...  Take responsibility, ask for forgiveness, and do better next time.

One thing I'll never regret is pointing my boys to the Lord when making any decisions!  When they became His child through salvation, they received the Holy Spirit- The Perfect Direction Giver!

So when my 2 pound Baby B came to us wanting a tattoo, we did the same thing we do with any decision.... huge or tiny!  

See, here's the deal, no matter your opinion about tattoos (and boy are there plenty of opinions!), YOU are the only person who stands before Jesus for yourself.  There are many opinions about what the Bible says about tattoos as well so without a clear picture- which there are many decisions that we make that are not black/white in the Scriptures- relying on the Holy Spirit to direct you is key!

When time is spent praying about decisions, you WILL get an answer.  That answer sometimes doesn't come for a while, and we have to allow the Holy Spirit to help us be patient.  We cannot wait on our own... we are a want it right now kind of people, but the SAME POWER that raised Christ form the DEAD LIVES IN US!!!  Use it!!!  

As we talked through with Jordan what he wanted it to look like and why he wanted to get it, everything pointed to Jesus.  In the ribbon coming down the cross, it says "Not As Bad"... Jordan said "Nothing I face on Earth is going to ever be as bad as Jesus dying on the cross for me".  
Woah!  This Mama was speechless!  Then he wanted his favorite verse wrapping it "Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong" 1 Corinthians 16:13.  Several months went by while Jordan was praying.

The night before he went to get it we were sitting on the couch and Jordan said, "Mama, are you sure you aren't going to be mad at me for getting a tattoo."  I said, "Jordan, if you have complete peace that you could sit in that chair and get the tattoo with Jesus physically sitting beside you, then I am okay with you doing it."  See, with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God being the Trinity, it REALLY is as if you have Jesus with you through the Holy Spirit AT ALL TIMES!  Do we live daily remembering that?

Jamie and Courtney went with Jordan to get the tattoo sending pictures for Justin, Jet and I to see the progression.  I can say without a doubt that when Jordan walked back in the house, there wasn't one ounce of regret that I faced.  Even all the phone calls that came because 'The Grahams let Jordan get a tattoo' didn't change my heart or make me second guess.   But please hear my heart- just because 'we let Jordan get a tattoo' - isn't a good reason for anyone else.  Each and every person has to pray, listen, and be obedient as they are directed.  

As Jordan left for bootcamp and we had fun taking recreated pictures, something hit me.

How did Mary feel as she watched her baby boy, Jesus, be beaten?  
Be spit on?  Be mocked?  Be hung on a cross and physically take on everyone's death?   
"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother"  John 19:25a
I cannot even imagine!  

So, although I don't get to see Jordan for quite some time, and I know he's homesick, tired, and facing lots of challenges, it's not as bad as what Mary faced.  

So while I wait to wrap my arms around him again, I'll do this...

Be on your guard- to be constantly watching- our battle is not against each other- it's all spiritual and satan wants nothing less than to destroy me whether it be through divisions, pride, sin, or disorder.   Notice this when it happens and call out Jesus name...satan has to flee at the name of Jesus!
Stand firm in the faith- The Gospel- Jesus came of a virgin birth, lived a sin free life, died, rose again and sent the Holy Spirit to live in me because I am His child and He loves me.  I believe that wholeheartedly!  Do you?
Be Courageous-  Being motivated by the heart to do something brave- even when I am scared, step out of the boat!  Jesus will carry me!
Be Strong-  Only by the strength given by the Holy Spirit can I be the strong that I need to be....self aside...make Jesus greater...and I'll truly see just how strong He will help me to be!

1 Corinthians 16:13  Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.