Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Time, Wind & Storms- But He Did It!

Never have I seen anyone so patient when patience isn't his strength.
Never have I seen anyone so confident when confidence doesn't come naturally.
Never have I seen anyone so determined when the winds picked up to change the sail.

Friday, January 22nd, we sat at a drop zone at Fort Benning, GA waiting to watch Jordan jump his 5th jump to graduate Airborne.  We were so excited, everyone was there with us, but the wind was blowing very hard on us, too.

Uncle Jay, who was Airborne himself, said that the winds were too high to safely jump, and sure enough, one of the instructors posted on facebook that the jumps were going to be delayed until Monday due to the unsafe jumping conditions.  Never have we sighed so hard in disappointment because of all it took to get everyone there to celebrate with Jordan.   I began praying for direction as I told Courtney I would stay with her over the weekend if it worked out.

There were so many obstacles for my heart that day as Jamie would be doing his Captain's assessment on Saturday after taking and passing the written exam a few weeks earlier.  This was not the first time he had taken the test.  Several years ago, he took it, passed it, but due to budget cuts, the building of new stations had halted.  He swung almost that whole year to different stations and shifts as captain, but that was something he didn't care to keep doing as it was pretty exhausting.  When he took the test again, he told me he didn't know what he would do because he didn't want to tell admin that he didn't want to swing, but he just didn't think he could handle it for a whole new year.  We saw God big even though he didn't pass the test that year.  He scored a 69, but that was a complete answer that he wasn't meant to keep doing what he was doing.  He took the test several more times but wasn't successful including one last year.  He studied and studied...I've never seen him read as much as he did in over 26 years of knowing and being married to him.  He was disappointment, but he also knew what he needed to study more to take the next test.  Upon taking the test again, He PASSED!  I can remember that day because his phone rang and dinged all day long with Congratulations from his peers!  Oh how fun it was to watch as he answered the many, many calls and texts!

But that Friday night in Georgia was not so fun.  We waited and waited for Jordan to call us that day to see what was going on.  We stalled out around Fort Benning all day long, but we had a flight to catch late that evening.  With the airport being two hours away and not hearing from Jordan, we made our way to Atlanta.  After getting all the way there, my phone dings with "Mama, please don't leave." after Courtney's had the same message.  We are frantically going through so many thoughts and trying to pray, but we didn't have much time.  The rent cars were turned in, we got our luggage and tried to talk as we rode the tram to the ticket booth.  Justin and Jamie began to argue because Justin said he was staying, and Jamie said "No, you have college and you already missed."  Courtney is afraid of missing college on Monday as well as she had missed already during the first week.  Our emotions were everywhere because we didn't want to leave him alone for the weekend and no one to be there for his graduation, but there was so much going on at home that was necessary to get back....mainly Jamie's assessment on Saturday, January 23rd.  We made many circles within the same four square feet in Atlanta Airport.  Granny, Papa, Mimaw, Gigi, Uncle Jay, Aunt Tootie, Randall, and Amber already gave us hugs goodbye and made their way toward the terminal.  We were all so disappointed but not nearly as disappointed as Jordan was that his family was so close to watching him, had made special arrangements and spent a lot of money, and wasn't going to get to watch him jump or Uncle Jay pin his wings on.  Still trying to figure out what we were supposed to do, Jamie knew for certain he HAD to go back home.  He was also on shift the 23rd, and "it just so happened" (said with sarcasm since I totally believe God orchestrated this entire thing!) there was no way he could take off.  We went to the ticket booth to find out it would cost $723 to change our flight...yeah, that wasn't happening.  The sweet lady suggested we call the 800 number because they might could help us out.  We did, and while I was on hold (which it said 2 minute wait time) for over 10 mintues...all the while Jamie is getting close to missing the flight and we are opening up suitcase to rearrange who needs what....while I'm praying God, please make it incredibly clear what YOU want us to do... the nice Southwest Airlines lady comes on the phone and says she can change our flights for FREE!!   But do you know why... it was SNOWING!!!!  Those of you who know me well know the last time I drove on snow, I was hit head on and it totally my very expensive surburban!  I was like God... I was thinking the FREE was your clear sign, but this snowing thing isn't funny!!  He gently reminded me "Trust Me Trisha :)".  Courtney, Justin, Jet, and I get our tickets changed to Monday, and Jamie and Sharon began walking quicker than ever before to get to their flight home.
We started walking towards the the rent car places, and Justin says "I hope my implant charger is in our suitcase." since we did a lot of shuffling that was pretty ugly and quickly.  I simply say in my head, "God, I'd really appreciate Justin being able to hear this weekend" and we keep walking.  We get the rent car and head outside to sure enough big white snowflakes coming down pretty thick.  It was beautiful!!  I battled being scared, trusting God, being scared, trusting God, and all the while, I was watching three sets of eyes clearly paying attention to how I was going to handle this adventure.  I've not driven one time in GA, do not even like the thought of driving on snow, and it's close to 11:00pm at this point.  Jordan made reservations at a hotel right next to the gates at base, and thank the Lord for GPS, Courtney, Justin & Jet gave me directions all the way to our warm hotel room.

Saturday was interesting as Courtney and I picked Jordan up at the crack of dawn...well, we finally got to him after hitting many detours while trying to follow our gps to get around Fort Benning.  We were all exhausted so we went back to sleep, but I wanted to be up to talk to Jamie before going to work.  I always make him a glass of sweet tea before he leaves, and my heart really was hurting not being there for him on such an important day.  What a blessing it was to receive a picture of Randall and Amber bringing him a glass of sweet tea early that morning before he and Randall left for their shifts after being up extremely late!

I was able to talk to Jamie, and his voice was very strong!  He was glad we were there with Jordan and was anxious to get the day going.  The kiddos & I, after doing laundry because we had no clean clothes, ventured out for some lunch, grabbed some groceries, then played a couple of games of bowling.

It was a very fun, but tiring, and missing Daddy kind of day.  We were able to talk to him before we had to take Jordan back to base, and he said there was just no way he'd make it back but was okay because he was glad we were there to watch him.

Sunday morning, we attended church on base.  Talk about be in a sanctuary filled with so many people who sacrifice SO MUCH down to the little boys who were grasping so hard at their Daddy and it left me wondering "Did he just get back?"  "Is he about to leave?"  It really made me think about the things I take for granted as well as the things I make a big deal that aren't really all that important.  I won't ever forget the preacher's sermon on being a transformational leader... not just having information about God but allowing that to transform who you are!  That's big!

We went to Olive Garden for lunch, and Justin took the tab to pay.  What an amazing experience that was to watch him be so selfless... it wasn't cheap :)  We began to head back to the hotel and got a quick call from Jamie.  He was having pizza delivered for us for dinner during the football games since he knew we had been eating a lot of he says.  We go crash for a nap to be woken up to a knock on the door.... it was no pizza man... IT WAS DADDY!!!!   What an amazing surprise that I still laugh at my disbelief!

It was such a blessing to wake up Monday morning, eat breakfast, and head out on a beautiful sunny morning to watch hundreds of soldiers parachute out of huge planes for their final jump for graduation.  Graduation was surreal as that was our Jordan out there with all of those soldiers who've gone through so much training any moment... go to war for me, you, all of us!
We all get back home safely and expecting to hear that week about Daddy's Captain's Assessment. Week 1 passes with no information, week 2, still no information, and during week 3, a couple of text or calls are made that he is #2 after the assessment, but nothing confirmed by the big boss men and only one spot available.  Bittersweet conversations happen over the next couple of weeks as there is talk that one of the captains will be retiring early due to medical reasons.   Jamie is finally able to talk with him directly, and what amazing memories of the words he spoke to Jamie!

Then, the email comes from the Chief that his interview with him is scheduled.  As Jamie got his Class A on yesterday morning,  a huge line of storms were coming through McKinney.  He rode backwards in the engine he normally drives, and as much as the water was coming down, so were his emotions about this moment.  They receive a call that it's postponed so Mr. Not So Patient in the Past... now has to wait even longer, but oh did he know the power of the Holy Spirit!  I didn't hear from him for hours.  Thankfully, Jet kept my mind busy while attaching a volleyball to a fishing pole and making baskets in the basketball goal:)  

Then, "I, am, so in love with you" began playing...if you've been around, you know that is Jamie's ring tone and you are probably singing it as you read those words!  He says "Hello Mrs. Captain Graham!"  I'm overwhelmed...this big, big moment for him and he was making ME feel special!

As he spoke and told me all of what had happened and the special, special words that were said, I couldn't help but just thank God for all the waiting, all the storms (not only in this situation but our marriage, our life) & all the time it took.... for this moment was BIGGER THAN BIG!!

This mornings reading sums it up...(it's a little long but look how much you've already read :)
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." declares the Lord.  
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways 
and my thoughts than your thoughts.  
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth;
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree,
and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord's renown,
for an everlasting sign,
which will not be destroyed."
Isaiah 56:8-13

Praise God for His perfect timing... ALWAYS!!
& Praise God for my sweet, sweet hubby who is