Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Out of the mouth of babes...

Jet and I have always had some conversations that made me ask Bro Clint years ago if the Holy Spirit could speak to you through your children.

One thing I've realized over the years though was that it was very necessary to humble myself to acknowledge what he was saying was true.

One of the first things I can remember was when Jet was about three years old.  I was incredibly addicted to soap operas and had been convicted about it for YEARS.... yes, I admitted it and kept being stubborn.  I was the girl who was an emotional wreck from Friday until I could see what happened on Monday.  It was ridiculous and I wasted SO SO much time on those stupid things!

Jet and I were at home by ourselves when he ran around the corner from the hallway and said "Mama, why are you watching those bad shows."  I'm being completely serious!

How.In.The.World did he know the difference between a commercial, a movie, soap opera, etc!

That was the very last day I ever watched a soap opera!  AND boy, am  I so thankful that Holy Spirit lead Jet to saying those exact words!

This morning was no different....
I'm driving to school although he normally does, and about half way down our street, Jet says (in the exact same tone and voice as I normally do) "You're speeding."  

My humanness wanted to be like "Really!  I'm only going over by like 3!  Don't you dare young man!"  But thank the Lord, He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us when we are weak!!  I paused for a split second to let Him direct, and I simply put my foot on the break and said "you are right Jet".

Next was what blew my mind.... as always when I'm obedient instead of stubborn.

Jet told me about a picture he saw on a friends instagram that said 'real friends talk good about you behind your back and bad to your face.' He said "I'm don't mean like bad, but you know."  

I told him I knew exactly what he meant and I hoped I always had people who loved me enough to point out when I am doing wrong even though it may 'feel bad' at the time.  

I came home to read Proverbs 9 since it's the 9th (If you are trying to figure out where to start reading in your Bible, pick the day of the month and read the Proverbs.  I have on and off for years, and it is amazing!)

I can't make this timing up :)
"Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse.  Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you.  Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning."  Proverbs 9:7-9

Are you a mocker or a wise person? 

You can always tell by the way you respond to criticism.  

Choose today to be wise- but remember- when that test comes- and it certainly will- to let the Holy Spirit guide you!  There is SO much freedom with Him as our Guide!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Critical Spirit OR Discernment

Wrestling is something I have never really gotten into or enjoyed watching (except when I was a teenager and watched the Von Erich's all the time).

Over the past year, the wrestling that has gone on in my heart has definitely not been something I'm a fan of experiencing.  Honestly, it's gone on WAY too long mainly because I'm a tad bit stubborn, insecure, and after all, I can fix it right!

I'm a fix it kind of girl.

If something is broke, I'll take it completely apart trying to figure out how to make it run right again. Just like our dryer a few years ago, we had it in so many pieces, I didn't think it would ever run again. But we cleaned out all that wasn't supposed to be in it, put it back together, and bam!  it works better than it ever has before.

If a relationship is broken, I want both parties to sit down, talk about it, and find a solution to where everyone can be happy and peace restored.

If I'm battling with sin, I want to just pray more, read my Bible more, go to church, and then it will all be fixed, right?   That's a big negative!  And here is why....

1.  Knowing all the rules is not the answer.  AND
2.  Self-determination will not help you succeed.

I cannot fix my own heart...

Romans 7:15  I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 

I definitely cannot fix other's heart.
I love these scenes off Bruce Almighty and how it gives us a better picture...

My wrestling in sin has to do with my reaction to how people act, things they do, and things they say. I get mad when people are so stinking selfish, and their selfishness hurts others.  I hate when people are so controlling and never stop to think about how it effects other people.  It makes me crazy when there is conflict between people and resolution cannot be found.  

I've justified my thoughts, words, and actions because I think these things make God mad as well.  I've sat and asked my mentors how you know the difference between a critical spirit and discernment...really just trying to justify my actions again.  But after praying for God to help me, show me, and teach me how to move past this wrestling, here is what He showed me this morning...

I need to stop trying to do HIS job!  

Yes, He hates selfishness... It's completely opposite of being led by the Holy Spirit.
Yes, He hates when we are controlling... because we ultimately end up hurting ourselves and others.
Yes, He hates conflicts among His children..

But what should be my response instead of talking to others about it thus leaving frustrated that I did what I didn't want to do again...

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Go to Jesus...Tell Him ALL about it.. But then...
Let Jesus handle it... He will do a much better job at it anyway!

Critical spirit results in it being about me and me trying to fix the situation....
Discernment results in praying and letting God be God!   After all, He is ALWAYS GOOD!