Wednesday, January 29, 2020

My Bible, My Boot, and Me Trying to Be Still

I'm so very thankful that my heavenly Daddy has been working on my heart well before I ever walked into the orthopedic's office yesterday.  He's so good like that and is so faithful to meet all of our needs. 

I knew something wasn't right due to the pain I was having... have been having since August.   Since I am "one of those" that did all the reading all over the internet to try to see what it could be, I kind of had an idea of what was going to happen.  But when the actual words came out of Dr. Prudich's mouth that I needed to be in a boot, my initial response was wanting to cry.  I knew better with Dr. Prudich in the room as well as my sweet hubby who immediately had me laughing.  Not that it wouldn't have been okay to cry at all, but I was grateful that everything God has been teaching me came flooding back into my mind and heart. 

I do have an injury from being active!  (Side note...please don't say "I told you not to Crossfit!"  I was running when it first started acting up!)  I have learned that exercise is a celebration of what my body CAN DO and not a punishment for something I ate or the number on the scale, and I CAN DO some pretty cool things at 44 years old!  I love to move and I love how I feel both physically and mentally when I move.   I will take an occasional injury from being active ANY day over taking prescription meds because I'm not healthy.  It happens!  Now, the way I respond is crucial!

As with everything in life, I believe God teaches us spiritual lessons through physical circumstances.  Thinking about this pain in my heel for several months now, I've reflected on how being active is why I have an injury to my Achilles tendon.  Had I not been playing sand volleyball, running, box jumping, and all the things, would I still have this injury?  I will never know or don't need to know.  But what I do know is I have not missed out on any of the fun I wanted to have doing all the things my body can do!  I took the risk, I did the things, I got hurt, but I WILL HEAL and get back to all the fun!

Don't we do this in life sometimes?   Whether it is a relationship that we don't give our whole heart to out of fear of being hurt, a leap of faith in business when you don't really know exactly how to do everything out of fear of making a mistake, or maybe even getting up off the couch and becoming active for fear of an injury.   

I've been hurt in relationships, but I've also been extremely loved on by other relationships.
I've make mistakes in business, but I've also met some amazing people I wouldn't have been able to meet had I not tried.
I've had the injuries, but I've also done so many things I never dreamed I would be able to do. (&& will do them again!!)

When the pain, mistakes, or injuries come, it's how we handle them that determines so much of our next!  We can withdraw and quit altogether which is what our flesh screams to do sometimes OR we can believe His promises with all our heart, be still and know that He is God,  and He is working ALL things together for our good!     

I'm on a three weeks in the boot and if not better, surgery!  This surgery is 10-12 weeks of non weight bearing which seems SO LONG!  I'm believing for healing and trusting God with whatever that looks like!  In the mean time, I'll be rowing with one leg on a skateboard (I HAVE to see my friends and do some kind of movement),  watching for satan to try to throw darts at me, but learning into Jesus even more knowing He holds the VICTORY!!!