Friday, January 15, 2016

'My jaw is locked open!!'

This is real life friends.  I just can't make this up.... I will be completely honest in hopes to give someone else encouragement and hope!!

This morning, I was just wrapping up my awesome Bible study and posted on Facebook with how God showed me how to guard your hearts since it's the wellspring of life.

I wrote these words...
Phil 4:7 says 'and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It's the key verses before that are how you get to that point...

and literally, I typed
vs 6.. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
(Mamas, I know the world says we are supposed to worry because "that's just what we do" but this says not to be anxious about ANYTHING)

I added a couple of more sentences with a cute little picture and hit post.

Not 15 minutes went by, and my ring tone for one of the boys goes off.   It's Justin with these words...
"My jaw is locked open!!"

It's a group text with Jamie who is coming off shift but is still in McKinney.
Here's what happened in my brain for a split second... well probably a little more than that...
Oh my gosh!  I'm coming to get you and we are going to the ER.  Of course, we just got our flexible spending cards loaded back up but they are about to be empty again.  He's going to have ANOTHER surgery...really, can this kid take any more?  I wander how long the recovery.  Oh no, we are going to see Jordan graduate next week.  We can't have surgery now.

But thankfully, another few seconds roll by and the Holy Spirit nudges me to remember what I just posted!
Phil 4:
4  Rejoice in the Lord always...
Lord, I'm not sure how to rejoice over this but I want to know how.
5  Let gentleness be evident to all...
No screaming at Jet to hurry... No screaming at Jamie for being in McKinney... No screaming at Justin for having this since 6:38am and texting us at 7:35...
6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
God,  I don't want to be definitely doesn't help this.  Thank you for Justin being safe while driving to work with his jaw locked open.  God please do what only you can and work this out for his good.  Direct us where to go, who to call, what to do so Justin can have some relief of this painful situation.
I had to continually keep repeating over and over 'do not be anxious, thank you God for being in control, I do not want satan to win in my heart today' and when I say over and over, I mean over and over and over!  

Jet and I load up to take him to school, and after speaking to Jamie and Justin confirming he was okay to drive more, he was going to meet me at the dentist office.  

First song as soon as we get in the suburban...
Same Power by Jeremy Camp...  Same power that rose Jesus from grave lives in us... AMEN!!!
Thank you Jesus for that reminder and Jet getting to hear that before heading into school.

Then my Mama tears were wanting to start to kick in since I was by myself and 
"If We've Ever Needed You" & "Lord, I Need You" play back to back as I'm getting to Justin.  Unbelievable on timing as always God!

I meet Justin at the dentist and praise God our oral surgeon that did the boys wisdom teeth answered the phone.  The nice front office lady while trying not to seem alarmed instructed us to come on in and see if the doctor can fix it for us before trying the ER.

On the way, Justin recognized "You Never Let Go" coming on the radio and again, we are so so thankful for the reminders that just keep coming.  

We walk in and the lady is handing me paperwork while the nurse takes us right back.  I hand her my insurance card to her replying "We are out of network with them now."  At this point in my head I am saying "I don't care if it costs my entire flexible spending card and everything I have to my name, GET MY SON HELP PLEASE!"  But instead of backlashing at her because I'm a little emotional watching him hurt, I just smile and say 'ok!' 

Thankfully, the doctor comes in immediately and asks me what happened.  While I was answering, he is digging around in the cabinet and talking to the nurse, and I'm thinking 'why did you ask!' But again, the Holy Spirit prompts me (I'm realizing He's really good at that if I'm paying attention to see it) and I just sit back and watch.  Right after I relax in the chair, the doctor has both hands in Justin's mouth and is fixing his jaw.  

Two seconds, and it's ALL DONE!! PRAISE JESUS!!!  And guess what, that doctor that looked like he wasn't paying any attention says "Don't worry about filling that out... I'm not going to charge you!"

What!  Did you hear that?  Oh my goodness... in 21 years of A LOT of doctors, I've never heard those words.  Thank you Jesus!

Justin had to leave this ice on for 1 hour, take some Advil, and he could go back to work!
That's just how good God is when I allow Him to do His job instead of trying to do it myself!

Oh the adventures and privilege of being Justin's Mom!