Friday, November 18, 2016

"But My Mama CHOSE Peace"

Jamie calls me on a Wednesday morning at 7:30am (two days after a surgery to remove a tooth and clean infection from around the nerve below it) and says, "Hey, can you be here before 8:30?" Ummm... I haven't even taken a shower yet much less drive to McKinney.  Mrs. McGaughy's (our youth pastor growing up's Mom) funeral was at 10:00 in Southlake, and Jamie really wanted to go.

I came up with every logical reason in the world why it would be easier to stay at home, but the nudge to go was strong.  Quickly, I got cleaned up, put a few curls in my hair, and put on some cute clothes.  I made it to McKinney just in time to leave which Jamie was shocked :)

As we gathered with the family, it was wonderful to see familiar faces from our past, give hugs to lots of people that were instrumental in our younger years, and sit down to hear a wonderful service. Yeah, it sounds weird that a funeral would be wonderful, but it was!

The oldest daughter spoke first after a song and slideshow played.  She went over what had happened over the last couple of weeks, and thanked lots of people that had played a huge roll in helping her Mom.  Then she said something that I will never forget.  See, her Mom and Dad's house burned down a couple of years ago putting them in a hotel in their 70's.  While in the hotel, her Daddy got sick and passed away.  Then, she, herself, began having health issues.
Her comment was "But my Mama always CHOSE PEACE."

So many of her circumstances could have left her mad at God and bitter at the world.  She was in her 70's and had worked hard all her life.  It would have been easy to be discouraged and to spew words that 'felt good' to get out.  But instead, when her children and grandchildren came to visit her, she was on her knees praying, she was reading her Bible, or she was picking up the phone to check on someone.  (She did what she could do)

A sweet, sweet lady sent me this verse to make a shirt from over a year ago now.  At first, I was like that is not a Bible verse verses a cute saying, but then I opened my Bible to read the story.  Several things made me go HMMM when reading this passage.  A woman came to Jesus and clearly was led to use this expensive perfume to anoint Jesus before His burial.   While she was doing it, "those present" were questioning what she did and rebuked her harshly.  Ever have those moments?  But Jesus spoke and told them to "Leave her alone.... She did what she could do... and wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her (paraphrased)

What I have learned as I have pondered those words from the funeral,  thinking about how things happen that are just other way to put it, and how to respond to words spoken harshly against you.

What does that mean to you and I?    

I would venture to guess that Mrs. McGaughy did not get to the point were she was peaceful, even during all of those hard things in life, by going to church, by reading her Bible, by singing worship songs or hymns (whichever your preference).  You are thinking...Trisha, what in the world are you talking about?  

I do highly recommend going to church, reading your Bible and singing worship but not if it's just something to check off your to do lists.  Instead of the lists of things to follow to be a 'good Christian', may I challenge you to sit with Jesus more.  Come to Him.  Rest in His Presence.  Relax as you trust Him. What does that look like?  Well, that is different for everyone just like parenting each child is different, and for me, it can be different every day.  It may be laying on my back on the concrete and feeling the wind blow over my face as I stare at the clouds.  It may be reading my Bible and asking God "What do you want me to do with this today?"   It may be listening to Jeremy Camp all day as I work focusing on the fact that He is who I work for and some days no music but rather silence as I calm my brain.   It may be playing with a 4 year old.  It can be all different things...the main point... our minds focused on the fact that He is PRESENT with us AT ALL TIMES and desires a close relationship with each one of us!  

When those moments hit us...because they will....
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7  
And can I give you one little hint that has helped me tremendously,

Oh the outcomes that come from living in HIS STRENGTH!!!
Just like the lady in the Bible, Mrs. McGaughy's story will be told by many and no doubt, Jesus will use it in big way.  Oh to leave that amazing legacy that my children would say at my funeral "But my Mama CHOSE PEACE."

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Growing up, I was given the random abstract title, and my sister was given the concrete sequential title.  I didn't like that at all because it sounds much better to be concrete sequential than to be random abstract.  I didn't understand why I couldn't be more organized, better focused, and do things more orderly!

I've recently discovered this 'randomness' is actually a gift... no, you aren't going to find this term in the Bible under spiritual gifts.  Just give me a minute to explain.

Monday, when Jamie and I were running/walking trying to get a little exercise in, as we were finishing up, I grabbed my phone to take this picture.  I really didn't know why at the time, but as always when Jamie or the boys asks why I was taking such random pictures, I said "I'm probably blogging about that soon"  even though I have no idea at the time what it has to do with anything. 
 Usually I want to understand before I obey, but I'm trying my best to obey and know it will all make sense in God's timing.  
Well, this morning, my devo had 
Yet I am always with you: 
You hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Psalm 73:23-24
That was at 5:00am that I was reading this and jumped up and was like "That's it!  That is what the picture is about!" 

Life is hard!  If I'm being completely honest, one of the hardest things for this Mama has been releasing.  Releasing my boys to be all God wants them to be for fear of (I can't even come up with a word but if you've been here, you know).  

The day after Jordan and Courtney got married, I was flooded with oh so many emotions, and I didn't do so well.  Add to it that my left side of my mouth/jaw were in SO much pain-  everything was amplified.  I failed in being strong, in trusting God, and having faith that He was working everything out for my good (Romans 8:28).  I cried when he came by to get his things, and we all know how well, men love it when women cry!  NOT!  Did I think this was the last time I'd see him?  Did I think I wouldn't ever talk to him?  Oh the lies that flooded my thoughts and feelings that came until....

I walked back in the house to see Jet & Justin sitting there waiting patiently for me.  I ugly cry.  Here, they have been SO patient as the last few months have been wedding, wedding, and more wedding.   I hugged them tightly and apologized for letting my emotions to things I couldn't control blind me to the fact that they had been so wonderful in waiting through all the painting, planning, and panicking about what life would now look like.    Jet says this to me..."Mama, you know if you let poison in your flower pot, it not only kills your flowers but hurts your soil."  Woah.... Woah... Woah....
Bro Clint has always taught us about protecting, watering, and feeding our flower pot (our family), but Jet just added a whole new piece to it.  He was so right, and I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit gave him those perfect words to counteract all the lies that satan had been feeding my "soil." 

That night I went to bed to find this under my pillow...
Jet reminding me once again "Faith Doesn't Panic!"
Little did I know how much I needed that since over the next two weeks I would go through a lot of 'being still' waiting on meds to work for my infection around my nerve in my jaw then going into surgery to remove the tooth and clean the infection.  

During this time when I couldn't do anything besides rest, God blessed me immensely by showing me a few things...
1.  Don't put the pressure of your fullness on anyone besides Him...He's the only One strong enough to handle it.  It's too much weight for a spouse, a child, family member, or friend!  

"Whom have I in heaven but you? 
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever."  
Psalm 73:25-26
2.  Don't let fear cause you to miss the blessings right in front of you!
3.  Be ready for the blessings that flow from being obedient!
4.  Always Always Always remember God is holding your hand and guiding you!  Don't tug away trying to walk your own's not safe emotionally, mentally, and ultimately physically.  To think about God sacrificing His very own Son to die for me even when I fail Him still blows my mind.  I fail Him daily, but He is still faithful...He still loves me... and He still wants me to know Him (the God of the universe) in a very personal way!

-I've seen God in some big ways in the last several weeks....
-I've watched my hubby as he has been challenged in new opportunities at work that aren't in his comfort zone yet realize it's exactly where God is growing him.  
-I've watched Justin go every Sunday to college and praying about where God wants him.  I've also watched him walk into Crossfit Lavon and complete every single workout to the best of his ability AND challenge others (even through smack talking) to be their best.   
-I've watched Jordan work hard to build his house, go to Fire Academy, take care of his sweet wife, and giggle with all of us.   
-I've watched Jet work hard and get all A's & B's and make his way to a starting position playing the entire game with some of his favorite people (remember the blog about the sidelines).  
-I, myself, have joined Crossfit and have done some things I never thought possible and know there are many more amazing things to come.  
-I've made lots of new friends and come across some amazing new opportunities!
-I've shared some awesome moments... watching Jonathon & Carissa become parents to sweet Lincoln, watching Amber's belly grow with hers and Randall's sweet miracle, and more that I can't share just yet...watching Emily reach out to hold her...watching the amazing sunrises and phenomenal sunsets...  I could probably type for another hour of all the ways I have seen Him, but there are some sweet customers that want their cute shirts :)

My point in all of this...
If life isn't looking exactly like what you thought it would or would like it to, try this..
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.  
I will be found by you,"  declares the LORD. 
Jeremiah 29:13-14

So now I see how He has used this 'randomness' in me to 
seek Him, 
find Him, 
and share Him with others!
He is so so faithful and worthy of ALL praise!!!
Thank you Jesus for not giving up on us and holding our hands as we go through life.  Thank you for the promise of eternity for those who trust in You!