Monday, July 6, 2015

Why do we try when we know we really can't?

Whether it is planning what our future will look like, trying to keep our spouses from leaving us, or making someone do the right thing, once we really understand that we cannot control anyone other than ourselves or how we respond to things out of our control, it really frees us!

So many times, I've tried to control things, people or circumstances, and it's been in extreme times in my life that I've realized the only control I really have is how I act, how I speak, & how I respond.  
I was horrible at this as a new wife. When I was a little girl, my biggest fear was my house burning down (interesting how I married a firefighter :)..)   It never crossed my mind that my parents would get a divorce, but in 8th grade, it happened.  So, as a wife, I was going to make sure that was not going to happen to me.  I did the whole questioning every move and when cell phones did come into our lives, I would sneak around to check it.  It made me a nervous wreck when we'd disagree because I was afraid he was leaving me. Boy, was this miserable for both Jamie and myself, and this was just the beginning of many things to come that I had NO control over!

Then, as a new Mom to be, I had it all figured out!  We were going to have one little boy and one little girl, had their names planned and what they were going to do!  Then, the first sonogram happened and all of that changed.  Twins, in the same membrane and same placenta, and the doctor's cannot do anything to help me.  My chances of both surviving are 1 in 800,000.  This was just the beginning of many things to come that I had NO control over!

Or there is the situation where a person in your life chooses to do something that is not right, and it hurts you or someone else you love.  You want so badly to make them understand and want them to want to make it right, but no matter what you say or how hard you try to convince them, it's not happening.  Has this ever happened to you?  Of course it has, and it's yet another situation where I've realized that I had NO control.

Why do we try to control people or circumstances? 

For me... it's so I won't get hurt again... I won't go through any painful situations and life will just be beautiful with no hard times, right?  

But don't we find it interesting that in James 1, it talks about having joy when we face trials because that tests our faith, to develop perseverance and perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.   (paraphrased)

How in the world does this REALLY happen?  How do you have joy in trials? 

I can tell you because I've tried it my way and I finally surrendered to trying it God's way!  

Having joy when we face trials pretty much means that our focus is Jesus and trusting Him to carry us through knowing He's in complete control and letting Him have that control.  Is this a one time and done choice ?  Nope!  We have to continually choose this over and over on what sometimes seems like a minute by minute basis allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us... that is where our power comes from... nothing inside of us can do this on our own!  

When I learned to release control to Jesus for my marriage, something happened!  It became more than I could imagine or ask!

Something happened in my heart the moment I realized I'm going to stand before God one day....
-the Loving God that sent his Son to die on the cross to free me from sin
-who has also given me His love letter to me through His Word to teach me, to correct me, and train me in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16) and
-who sent His Holy Spirit to be with us every step of the way to be our Counselor

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

While salvation is a free gift totally based on God's grace...meaning there is nothing you can do to earn it... we will still give an account for how we handled this amazing gift.  

How do we handle those situations that are out of our control?
How do we handle those words that cause us pain?
How do we handle those actions that hurt our feelings?

It matters!  Is our faith real?  Do we trust God?  Although we can't keep these things from happening to us, we can keep them from controlling us!

Think about this.... it's very freeing to realize you don't have to answer for how everyone else behaves.  The verse says that 'each one' that is us by ourselves... not with our spouses, our parents, our children, our friends, our pastor, our ....

It is a big obstacle although in not letting our feelings or emotions control us verses let the Holy Spirit.

What do you want Jesus to say to you when you see Him face to face?

I remember one year at Judgement House in Grand Prairie, the gentleman playing Jesus in the scene of Heaven was quoting verses to each of us.  When he got to me, he looked at me and said "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

May we live in such a way that when we meet Jesus face to face,
we've done well,
we've done good, and
we've been faithful.... to HIM!