Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Dad, does he know I have CP?"

For several weeks now, Justin has been waiting oh so very patiently to move forward in his 'what's next' after high school graduation.  He's told us for a while that he wanted to be a farmer.

With a family full of farmers, I know just enough to know that if you don't have lots of land and a big green tractor, it is hard to just get started in being a farmer.  Side note:   You'll have to excuse me... I grew up in Coppell therefore this city girl isn't very familiar with correct terminology.  BUT... just the same with Jordan and not knowing much about the military, I'm learning two new worlds!

Justin heard about this program with AG Power/John Deere where they send you to school to get your degree, and they promise you a job when you finish up.  Jamie started asking questions, and after discussing it with one of my cousins at Easter, he called the McKinney store and talked with the gentleman who handled the sponsorships of the students.  They talked a couple of times before they set up a time for Jamie and Justin to meet him in person.

I didn't hear the conversations Jamie had with the guy, but I heard and won't ever forget Jamie and Justin's conversation the night before the meeting.
Justin:  "So what did he say?"
Jamie:  "We go at 2:00 tomorrow.  You just need to wear what you wear to school and we will get more information of where to go from here."
Justin:  after a long pause... "Dad.....does he know I have CP?"
Jamie:  "Yep, they sure do."
Justin: "What did they say about it?"
Jamie: "They asked if there was stuff you couldn't do, and I explained to them that there is nothing you won't try, that you spend lots of time working outside, you have helped Papa on the tractors here, and just love working with your hands."
Justin:  "ok.  cool. (very calmly then another long pause)  Dad?  Did you tell them I was deaf?"
Jamie:  "Yep, I sure did"
Justin:  "and that was okay."
Jamie:  "Yes sir.  He is ready to talk to us about seeing if they have a sponsorship spot available."

The next day, Jamie and Justin go to the meeting, and they really enjoyed meeting with the guy.  There are limited numbers of spots per John Deere location, and he needed to do some checking around to see because everything was full.

Fast forward several weeks and several emails later (and let me add in that Justin was so peaceful while waiting for God's timing), Justin heard from the man in charge at the Terrell location yesterday morning.   He came in from school, and I'm pretty sure Daddy & I could see every tooth in his mouth.    He decided he was making the trip and doing the interview by himself which we were super proud of and explained we had complete confidence that he was going to do great!

He's back this afternoon & GUESS WHAT... HE IS NOW SPONSORED!  He said "Mama, Look!  The official signature!"  He goes on to tell me the details of the morning and meeting the guy.  He has lots of paperwork to do and a trip to Navarro to handle everything there, but wow! wow! wow!  I didn't have to tell him to smile real in this picture!  His patiently waiting heart was so full!!
I then showed him this picture I took after leaving the track this morning.  It is an AG Power truck in the field working on my Uncle Kenneth's tractor.  As I stop to take the picture, the guy was climbing up in the tractor.  He has been working on it for a couple of days, but as I take the picture, I can hear it actually starting back up.  I thought to myself then how cool it was that although Justin first said he wants to be a farmer, he's going to get to help lots of farmers keep their family business running when things break down.   
All I can think of today is a verse I've said over and over and over again with Justin & Jordan's lives "With man, this is impossible, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" Matthew 19:26

I truly believe that God is blessing Justin and doing more than he can imagine or ask because he is letting God do a work on his heart.  Many asked me if Justin was upset when Jordan was going to MEPS or if it's hard on him.  I can truly say that I've seen nothing besides joy from both boys as they watch God work in their own and each other's lives.   I can see it now... Jordan teaching Justin about all the guns he learns about and Justin teaching Jordan about how to work on tractors.  See when you believe Romans 8:28 (And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose), you don't have to question everything... you just trust God's hand!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Have you stretched lately?

After writing 'What's your handicap?', the LORD has really continued to speak to me about this subject.  We are ALL handicap in just many different ways, but why do some not want ANY help?

As I was walking through the YMCA this morning going from the treadmill to get a towel to wipe the sweat from the machine, I look over to see this phenomenal picture of my boys.  Justin, who has cerebral palsy, is the one laying on the floor being stretched by his twin, Jordan who is being helped out by not so little brother Jet.  

When we arrived this morning, Justin followed me to an elliptical machine while Jordan & Jet went to lift weights.  It breaks my Mama human heart still on some days because I know he would love to just 'be normal', but good thing my Foundation says to me 'he's perfect just the way he is!.. I know because I made him in my image"

Ephesians 2:10 "We are God's workmanship (or masterpiece) created to in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do."   
Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him."
There is no clause or side note that excludes anyone from that Truth!  Read that again.... there is NOTHING that changes the fact that YOU were created in God's OWN IMAGE! 

With this, he also gave us the freedom to choose daily the path we will take.... 
will we use our life to show others God's glory or will it be all about us?

See, when we look at our obstacles, we HAVE to admit something... we need help!  
But, here's the deal... it's not just you or it's not just me... EVERYONE NEEDS HELP!!!  If that weren't the case, then what would have been the point of Jesus dying on the cross.  We are a mess friends if we are left to ourselves and our own thoughts, but PRAISE JESUS, if we have accepted Him as Savior, we have the Holy Spirit guiding, directing, stretching us every single second we breath!   We need encouragement, we need someone to come along side us and tell us when we are about to run our life right into disaster, and we need to be stretched to be all that we can be! 

Sometimes this stretching hurts... who am I kidding... it's not sometimes, it's all the time!  Growing is painful.  I remember the boys having severe knee pain when they'd hit growth spurts.  Isn't it amazing how God uses the physical pictures we see to teach us a spiritual lesson. 

Have you been stretched lately?  If you've used the words in Revelation from the previous blog and 'the word of your testimony' has been spoken, you've stretched!  It's hard to admit our obstacles and satan definitely doesn't like it so he goes overtime on your brain to try to steer you a different direction!   You might worry what others think about you, you might feel more tempted to make that bad choice again, or you might even think you've made a mistake.... ALL LIES from satan wanting to see you fall!

BUT we have a loving Father that although just like physical stretching isn't comfortable while doing it, the benefits FAR OUTWEIGH the pain at the moment!

My heart breaks for those though who will choose to hold in their struggles thinking they'll just deal with it on their own and years and years go by.  In the mean time, it boils and boils inside and the ones who see them behind closed doors experience quite the opposite of the fruits of the Spirit.... 
not much peace, very little patience, hardly any kindness.  

Do you know someone like this?  Of course, we all do.  The thing we have to keep in mind....
Pray for them... that the Holy Spirit would draw them to him.  

For those of you who are stretching, AMEN!!!   I'm super proud of you, and guess what, I need you to pray about something!  See, my big dream for Obstacle Overcomers is this..

To have a team of people that aren't afraid to share their stories in a very real way so that others in this world who are struggling in the same way can see God is very real and wants to do immeasurably more than we can imagine or ask according to His power at work within us, to Him be glory!

Think about this...You've been in situations where your obstacle was big and in front of your face.  One of my first thoughts of this was when I was pregnant with Justin & Jordan and the doctor just told us that they were going to die inside of me.  After Bro. Mark prayed for us one Sunday, I can clearly remember this lady walking up to me telling me she understood and it was going to be okay...all while her children were grabbing at her leg.  I remember wanting to punch her because how in the world did she understand how I (pregnant with my first children) felt!  She didn't and her words were completely empty! 

I want to connect people who truly do understand!   

With hearts that have felt the same way and eyes completely on Jesus,  freedom from obstacles running your life is totally possible!  With God, ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

The end of that dream is Ephesians 3:20... if you follow me long, you'll see I use it a lot... it's big to me!  Here's the KEY.... God is totally ABLE...I think most of us would admit that we know He is!  We aren't able, but if we let His power work within us... He can do more than we can imagine.   
That will involve stretching....lots and lots of stretching!  I'm not the slightest bit comfortable with knowing how to start this book/ministry that I know He's called me to do.  Guess what?  He's not concerned that we are comfortable while we are here on this earth... he's more concerned that others aren't utterly and completely uncomfortable for all of eternity separated from Him!

Can you imagine with me for just a second..
the death of your loved one
cerebral palsy
history of alcohol abuse
being abused as a child
(fill in your blank of your obstacle... obstacles)

Would your obstacle be worth it, if it meant just one person came to know Jesus?

Friday, May 1, 2015

What's your handicap?

I just love how God uses each of my boys in such different ways to teach me such big spiritual lessons.  As Jordan has made the steps to his what's next, Justin sits patiently waiting.  He cheers on his twin brother and loves watching the videos of the gas chambers, the flight school, and yes, some of the funny videos of the soldiers dancing to pop songs as well.

All the while he waits patiently for his what's next!

This smile has taught me SO much over the years, but today, these words came to my heart after spending quiet time with my Heavenly Daddy!

I want to help people be 
free from obstacles!  

Before I loose you, hang with me for a few more seconds and let me explain.

Justin was diagnosed at 14 months old with mild spastic dyplesia cerebral palsy followed by another diagnosis of severe to profoundly deaf at 17 months old.  With these diagnosis, he was labeled as handicap.

We all know someone who is handicap, right.  They are in a wheelchair or walker or maybe have some other kind of durable medical equipment or diagnosis.

Can I ask....  aren't we all handicap in some way or another on any given day?

Stay with me :)

Do we stumble over our emotions or thoughts like Justin stumbles to walk?  Are we deaf to God speaking to us and don't hear it all when He speaks to direct us.

If you don't answer yes to any of those, whelp!  I don't know what to tell you,
BUT I know EVERYONE HAS OBSTACLES.  We come across a life changing diagnosis, we say the wrong thing to a loved one, we make a bad choice, we fight with our spouse, or we flat out ignore God.

Revelations 12:11 says 'They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."  

The 'him' in the passage is satan...  see he's the one taking that obstacle and trying to use it to steal, kill, and destroy your life (John 10:10).  He's feeding you all kinds of lies, and friend, they aren't obvious sometimes.  He makes them sound real close to scripture and speaks right to our selfish desires which are already so so strong.

BUT PRAISE JESUS, the other part to that verse (John 10:10) says "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."  See we are fighting these battles (whatever yours might be today) FROM VICTORY!!!  Jesus already shed His blood on the cross for us!  So in Rev 12:11 when it says we can overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb... that's is ALREADY DONE!!!  It's up to you for the next part... by the word of their testimony.

You have to share it!  Your test...your mistakes...your struggles.... your story... what is God doing in your life with this/these obstacles.

See, what I've noticed with Justin is he can't hide his cerebral palsy or his cochlear implants.  They are on the outside for ALL to see, and as much as that can seem like a negative, I think it is one of the biggest blessings EVER!  I believe he has true JOY because he doesn't have to pretend!

He doesn't have to pretend he can't walk like everyone else... it is obvious.  Do we find ourselves trying to pretend to be something we are not?  Of course, we have all been there because the obstacle of insecurity is a ginormous one!!!    But we hide it.  We think we can deal with it all on our own.
All the while satan continues to feed lie after lie keeping you from overcoming the obstacles and sharing how God has helped you.  Insecurity is just one example of obstacles that we face on a daily basis!

How can we ever be free from obstacles?

Well, it depends on how you look at it?  Using Jesus perspecticles, I believe Justin is free from cerebral palsy.  Does that mean he doesn't have it?  No! He definitely, as of 8:00am this morning, still has cerebral palsy!  BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE HIM!  It doesn't define WHO HE IS!  He keeps moving step by step in Jesus direction, and waits patiently for Him!

I used to ask God to heal Justin and I still do sometimes!
God has answered several times, his body is temporary, but his spirit is WHOLE!
Friend... let 2 Corinthians 4:17 speak to your soul today...
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."

The Bible says "you will KNOW the Truth & the Truth will set you free"  John 8:32

What to do when Facing Obstacles...
Bro Clint taught me these years ago and I still use this EVERY DAY...
1.   PRAY... talk to your Heavenly Daddy!  Maybe you aren't used to having a Daddy that you can climb up in his lap and tell him all your heart needs to say.  Start getting used to it! Do it often!
2.  BIBLE... the Truth can't set you free if you don't know it.  Start learning.. you are never too old or know it all.  Read it!
3.  SEEK WISE COUNSEL... this is someone who is ONLY going to lead you to the Truth!
wise..things of God  
smart...things of this world
4.  WAIT ON GOD  (Psalm 40:1-3)

This is the basis of Obstacle Overcomers and I ask that you pray with us as we seek out how God wants to use us to help people overcome their obstacles for His glory!  If through cerebral palsy, being deaf, 23 surgeries, and lots of other obstacles, more people could come to know Christ, that would make it all worth while!  Eternity with more... obstacle free!!